The Insignificant Exhibition
A story talking about self-identity and dealing with emotional events in the past.當展覽空間作為敘事空間,我是否能向他人好好述說我是誰?
The Insignificant Exhibition 收集、撿拾了過往的回憶,在荒謬物品的陳列之間,我企圖在異國尋找歸屬感,以及站在觀者的距離外審視過往傷痛,為此我辦了一個展覽(非實體),附上門票希望大家小心翼翼地進來看看我。
I take an exhibition as a medium of communication. All the objects I pick and the decisions I made shape my personality. Therefore, I build an "insignificant exhibition" , which shows my self-identity. By collecting the memories from the past, I try to find who am I.
∴∵ 書本規格 ∴∵
封面 / 銀墨凸板印刷
內頁漫畫 / 黑墨 + 銀墨 + 水平光
展覽說明書 / 再生棉絮紙
門票貼紙 / 霧面低殘膠貼紙
Size: A4, 20 pages
Letterpress cover
Attached 1 sticker.
Price:NT 450
(書店寄售價格 NT 470)
Avaliable at:
∴ 田園城市生活風格書店 ∴
∴ Mangasick ∴
∴ 暗渡|Alchemy.17 ∴
An Art Project
The Day in MoNTUE
The Day in MoNTUE is a comic I made for L'OUVRE 9: Open the Louvre's 9th Art Comic Collection Exhibition. This comic describes a killer chasing a man in the museum of the National University of Education. It was selected by MoNTUE and presented in their comic workshop.Reading direction: Left → Right
FIX: Heroes