Gami Chou

Gami graduated from the Illustration MA at Kingston University in London. Her work spans illustration and comics, that characterized by emotionally rich strokes and unique storyboard compositions. She independently published the comic The Insignificant Exhibition in London, and her creations have appeared on book covers, in newspapers and magazines, and on platforms like CCC Webcomics and MOJOIN. Her graphic novel The Hostel of Lost Function and the adapted comic FIX: Heroes were showcased at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2021 and 2022 under Books from Taiwan.  
She currently works as a freelance illustrator and comic artist.


The Insignificant Exhibition

A story talking about self-identity and dealing with emotional events in the past.


The Insignificant Exhibition 收集、撿拾了過往的回憶,在荒謬物品的陳列之間,我企圖在異國尋找歸屬感,以及站在觀者的距離外審視過往傷痛,為此我辦了一個展覽(非實體),附上門票希望大家小心翼翼地進來看看我。
I take an exhibition as a medium of communication. All the objects I pick and the decisions I made shape my personality. Therefore, I build an "insignificant exhibition" , which shows my self-identity. By collecting the memories from the past, I try to find who am I.

∴∵ 書本規格 ∴∵
封面 / 銀墨凸板印刷
內頁漫畫 / 黑墨 + 銀墨 + 水平光
展覽說明書 / 再生棉絮紙
門票貼紙 / 霧面低殘膠貼紙

Size: A4, 20 pages
Letterpress cover
Attached 1 sticker.
Price:NT 450
(書店寄售價格 NT 470)

Avaliable at:

∴ 田園城市生活風格書店 ∴

∴ Mangasick ∴

∴ 暗渡|Alchemy.17 ∴

An Art Project


The Day in MoNTUE

The Day in MoNTUE is a comic I made for L'OUVRE 9: Open the Louvre's 9th Art Comic Collection Exhibition. This comic describes a killer chasing a man in the museum of the National University of Education. It was selected by MoNTUE and presented in their comic workshop.

Reading direction: Left → Right

FIX: Heroes
