Hostel of Lost Function
Hostel of Lost Function is a magic building, which satisfies all people’s needs. It is so perfect that no one can bear to lose it.This graphic novel is mainly designed for adults to encourage them to accept their vulnerability after losing a family member. The metaphorical nature of the imagery makes the traumatic experience and the grief visible.
出版社:開學文化作者: NHK採訪團隊
譯者: 陳令嫻
封面插畫: Gami
美術設計:職日設計 Day & Day Design
出版社:蓋亞文化作者: 望日
封面插畫: Gami
No Plastic Waste!
SOGA STOP 在地球日開始了一個改變自己、也幫助環境更好的行動提案 — Every Day Is Earth Day!。365天線上線下、不間斷的溝通。陪伴大家在一年52週裡,每週學習一個與地球好好相處的方法。
針對人們最關注的6大環境議題,聯合台灣52位圖文創作者,以插畫為媒介,將艱澀的環保知識,轉化成生活行動圖解!企劃/策展 ✸ 隆中向上教育基金會 SOGASTOP
主視覺設計 ✸ 吳騏 / 57 Art Studio
平面設計 ✸ 丁原生
插畫創作者 ✸ Harper Ouk、涂皓欽 SMOKY、Tang wen ching、區馬斯Chimas、奥斯卡 Oscar Tsai、Deer Jan illustration、卡肉 carol_meat、培根君、茵 Fengyin、黃海欣、Gami、YUMI YOU 慢游室、YCY、A hui 郭嘉惠、Zero Liu、桑拿大可 sang na take、阿宛 Awan Illustration、Rung Sheng Illustration、李彩、Hao-Yun、腦海工作室BRAINOCEAN STUDIO、餃貓FAMILY、紹華 Shao-hua、Raimochi、Beryl Wu、咚東、王蟻宣、一塊大蛋糕 a piece of big cake、Damee Wu、GGDOG、劉倩帆Chien-Fan Liu、杰利 Chiehli Ko、周 chou、haoyan H、Yibo、Nic 徐世賢、Marcomics、Sophia Ji、木口子、懶惰朽吉 wohenlanduo、時薪一加侖鮮奶、maydie_seed、梅康米Mekamee、吳怡欣、Emilia Chin、阿力金吉兒Ali Ginger 、Hannah Shieh、羅荷 He Lo、SUKKI47、嘰哩 Jily、日常美學 Daily Aesthetics、tuenhua
Lost & Found
This project is focused on how to evoke absent objects by pictures. I am curious about how to present an invisible object, concept and feeling. In addition, it connects to my personal experience (the loss of my mother, and the rhythm of chopping garlic recalls my memory of her).
In this picture book titled Lost & Found, the lost thing is on the left page, and the right page is where to find them. The image starts from the physical object and then it gradually becomes more abstract and mental.